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Doc Brown's Going To Eat Your Brains

"Mom, this year for Halloween, I wanna be zombie Christopher Lloyd!"

Well, this mask is certainly the one to use if that's what you're aiming for. And what a delightful mask it isn't, isn't it? Everything about this guy puts you in a good mood when you see him. He's just got an infectious grin (and it likely is infectious, considering how long he's been dead for, please don't let him actually bite you) that you just can't help but appreciate, and those bugging piercing blue eyes that seem to say, "Trust me, I'm not undead, seriously, I won't hurt you, just come stand over here unarmed for a moment and I'll prove it." Sure, his pallor is your standard generic grey/blue mixture, which is certainly nothing new, but it could be worse, and the veins thrown on for good measure, while, again, not expertly made in any sense of the word, are a nice touch at least.

In all honesty, it isn't exactly the most original mask. Lord knows I've featured my share of undead ghoulish looking grandpas in my time on this site, but something about this one...he just seemed so jovial, so charming, I couldn't help but share him with the world, even if that means the world soon comes crumbling to its knees thanks to his zombie apocalypse. It isn't even, in all honesty, a very well made mask. The rubber is bottom tier, there's virtually no design on the face itself, and hell he doesn't even have real eyebrows! Those suckers are just flat out painted on like the woman working the register at 7/11 at 2am on a Friday night! But in spite of all that, he's still absolutely adorable, isn't he?

Okay, sure, this zombiefied Doc Brown is probably going to kill Marty and use his internal organs to power his time machine, but that doesn't make him any less fantastic, does it? Marty's kind of a snarky pain in the ass, after all. He had it coming. Everything about this mask is so low quality, from the matte of hair they clearly (and, from the looks of it, poorly at that) slapped onto it with 3rd world glue, but the red scars and stains that adorn his skin are so poorly rendered that it makes you wonder why they bothered in the first place.

His eyes, however, are pretty fantastic. They stick out, and they light up apparently, and that's awesome, really. That, in my mind, makes up for the shoddy craftsmanship of the rest of it. Though the hooknose seems a tad...offensive, doesn't it? I don't know. Much as I love this guy, it does give off an odd air of anti-semetic doesn't he? But he can't help it, it's how he was designed, it's not like he asked to look like this. God knows nobody would.

Also, and maybe I just don't understand how this would work because I never had a mask like this, seems to me that this isn't a mask one can wear easily, you know? If the eyes light up, that means you can't see through them, which means it's virtually impossible to walk with this thing on, which makes it more the kind of mask you put for show somewhere instead of actually wearing. Even still, it's a neat little idea, and I wish masks still did these kinds of gimmicks, abstract and often impractical as they may be. Also, and I'm just going off the visual here, that rubber doesn't not look like it breaths well. These rubber masks rarely did, but you could usually stand it for a few hours at least, pulling it off every now and then to really catch some fresh air, but this rubber? It just looks so cheaply produced, and frankly Doc Brown deserves better, doesn't he?

I will admit, I'm a fan of his little chiclet like teeth. I don't know why, but the fact that they're so generic and underdeveloped, visually, makes them all the better, once again proving that, often, simpler is the right decision creatively.

Sorry I don't have more to say about this mask, but really, I think the less I have to say the better, because it means the mask is truly capable of speaking for itself without me extolling its virtues. All I know is that I love undead Christopher Lloyd, just as much as I love actual living human being Christopher Lloyd.

So long as he doesn't eat my brains.

...maybe that's how Doc Brown got so smart in the first place. Hmmm.


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