Why does every single mad scientist look the same? Why's there no variety in this field? Dr. Robotnik, Professor Farnsworth, Dr. Horrible, Professor Membrane, you name a mad scientist and immediately an image is conjured in your head, right? Specifically the goggles. They ALL have these goggles. What is it about these goggles? Where did this trope come from, because I, for the life of me, cannot figure it out. Needless to say, that's what we're dealing with today.
And, as with most mad scientists, this guy is one ugly son of a bitch.
That's another problem isn't it? They're all typically very unattractive. Big bushy mustaches, enormous noses, their brains popping out of their fluff of electrified hair. Oh wait, that's just Dr. Latexsten here. Yeah, you might be surprised to learn that - especially since you can't see it in the main photo for this post - you can actually see his brain. Wanna see his brain? It's pretty cool. Who doesn't wanna see an exposed brain, right?
Look at that glorious, veiny brain. Oooh, note to self. Veiny Brain is a good goth band name. Anyway, he's really just showing off more than anything else, if you ask me. Gotta prove he's the smartest man in the room by having his brain out. It's like a dick measuring competition, but, you know, for nerds. And while this isn't the first exposed brain we've been subjected to on this blog (previously we've had our friend Brainiac Suckerface and of course Stephen's brain which is being eaten by mice), it's definitely probably one of the more unique examples if I might say so myself.
Don't get me wrong, Brainiac Suckerface is a thing of beauty, love the guy, and Stephen, well, the less said about his predicament the better, quite honestly, but both of those differ in their presentations. Brainiac is, quite literally, a brain monster. He's just built that way, as the kids say. Stephen, on the other hand, is just being actively devoured by mice and, ya know, it happens to the best of us. But this guy? Dr. Latexstein actively decided to walk around with his brains hanging out for all to see, and you know what, that's a level of ego I hope to one day acheve for myself.
But sadly, and I hate to ever say anything negative about these masks, that's about where the uniqueness stops. Sure, his brains are out, and that's cool and all, but really there's nothing much else to make him stand apart from your typical crowd of mad scientist designs. I mean, maybe it's just a problem with the concept in general, there's only so much you can do visually (which would explain why they all kind of have the same traits) but even still I feel like they could've tried, you know?
But he really IS just the same as the rest.
The mustache, the nose, the big bushy eyebrows, the mess of hair that looks like it was set by sticking a fork into a power outlet, and of course the goggles. Nothing really new here. Nothing new that hadn't been previously unexplored. Just more mad scientists. In reality there's nothing really wrong with that, just doing your own thing, but still, it's kind of a shame. They didn't even give him a cool hair color. Generally mad scientists get white or grey hair. Gimme a mad scientist with neon green hair, goddammit. Go big or go home.
I do like his brain though.
The problem is...I just don't think that's enough. It's enough to warrant recognition on this blog, sure, but I don't think I'd wear this mask. Also, it just looks like it'd hurt to wear. I can't explain why, but it looks like it'd be somewhat tight and stiff and even the material looks rough, so it'd be sensory hell on my skin. A shame, really. But, that one difference, that brain that's poking out the top, was enough to make him noteworthy, and really, that's what matters most isn't it? You know you've really made it as a mask and mask designer once you've been lauded on this blog, after all. Just look at all my invisible awards I've won for writing this blog, if you doubt my claims.
So sure, Dr. Latexstein isn't all that interesting - despite what his brain might try to make him tell you - but he's interesting enough to be appreciated here, and in the end, that's something. So here's to you, Dr. Latexstein, and all your horribly terrible creations which are likely, thanks to how I spoke of you on here, on their way to disembowel me and use my organs to make something else in your army of the undead nightmares.
But if that's the price I pay for serious journalism, then so be it.
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