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The Thing That Nightmares Fear

If I had to pick something that looked like it ate nightmares and shat fear, I think I'd pick this damn thing.

I mean, just look at this guy. The level of detail only lends credence to his terrifying demeanor. This looks like the sort of thing that would show up at the foot of your bed to suck your soul out of your nose in the dead of night. Some sort of hybrid between a bug eyed insect and some sort of alien, The Nightmare Eater is an absolutely masterful piece of work in mask creation. Let's talk about his primary features first, shall we? Those eyes are obviously what you're instantly drawn to, and it's understandable why. Like gazing into Disco Balls of doom, they're hypnotic and otherworldly. Bubbled and smooth, they look as if just catching even a remote glance of them would kill you on the spot.

What really sets his eyes aflame, however, are the perfectly manufactured creases in what I can only call his brow area. The lines that were sculpted around the eye are nothing short of perfectly made and really lend a sort of ancient being vibe to his eyes. As if they've seen countless millions butchered across eons (and likely was the one who butchered them, to be honest). And while his eyes are amazing, let's not ignore the fact that he's got some other killer features - and I mean that quite literally, mind you - which include, of course, his terrifying mouth full of sinew tearing dagger teeth and his absolutely fantastic horns.

But what really sells him, isn't actually any of those things. Surprisingly, it's the hood. Sure, those things all come together to create a cohesive and killer image, but the hood is what ties it all together. He looks like an alien wrestler in that glittery black hood. Like he's about to walk into the ring and kill his opponent with a chair. But, like, an alien chair. A chair that instantly kills anyone who gets hit by it. Cause it's covered in acid spikes or something. You know, cause it's an alien chair.

He just has this look of Evil Lord of Nightmares about him, doesn't he? I also have to draw attention to the little underlip where his jaws jet out from. That's a really neat little physical touch, because it gives an even more unnatural feeling to an already unearthly creature. Almost like his teeth recede into an inner hole that isn't visible from the outside. Really creepy. And the color! His greyish/blueish tint mixture is absolutely spot on, and I can't be happier with whoever it was that colored this bad boy. Overall, nothing but deep respect and admiration for our boy The Nightmare Eater over here.

His sparkly dark hood makes him so very regale, like he's truly the lord of some horrible world, and only visits our world in the black of night to feast upon the dreams of unsuspecting and innocent people. I love the little bits of yellow tint added to his teeth - of which he has a lot, which is nice, as most masks with teeth are often given very few - which only add even more detail to the whole thing. The lines in his horns, the lines over his extended circular mouth, this guy is bursting with lines and I so appreciate the amount of attention that was put into him. A perfect example of a whole lot of awesome ideas coming together to create one wholly awesome thing. If even one of these features were removed, the entire concept would fall apart, even the color of the hood. If it'd been red or blue or anything other than black the whole thing would've crumbled, so kudos to the color decisions made here.

Far too often demon or alien type creatures are given such little attention to detail that it throws the whole vibe off, and in the end, the mask ends up feeling less like a real honest to god monster that could exist and instead something simply quickly manufactured in a warehouse somewhere, so those little additions like the yellowing on the teeth or the lines on the brow? They really do mean the world to realism, or as much realism as can be added to something as ludicrous to "horrifying nightmare eater monster" can have. In the end, I'm so in awe of this guy that I don't really have much to say that isn't just outright gushing over how goddamned cool he is.

So let's give it up for the best of the best, the baddest of the bad, the most terrifying of the terrifying...The Nightmare Eater, crusher of worlds, destroyer of souls and monster of our worst dreams.

So completely incomparable to anything else before or since, the cream of the crop, the creature on top, this guy is easily in the top 5 all time greats that I've covered on here thus far, and forever may he reign above us.

Sweet dreams, guys.


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