I can just picture this thing riding a skateboard, doing some gnarly grinds before dismounting and sitting down to drink a nice cool IPA while blasting ska out of the boombox he had resting on his shoulders. Because that's just the feeling this image gives me. This guy is a cool guy. A cool reaper, specifically, who skateboards. He's what we 90s kids call a "totally radical dude with tons of 'tude". I know, I know, all slang across all generations is ridiculous, but at least old slang were actual words, so. Just look at that grin on his face, he's not lookin' to harsh your buzz, dawg, he just wants to have a good time, maybe steal away a soul or two. All in a days work for a guy who's name I'm gonna say is, like, Randy or something.
We've covered some eerie death type masks here in the past, and we've covered demonic looking creatures as well, but rarely do they come together, and in such a way that works, that makes them really worth discussing. But Randy here is the exception, and for very good reason, because just look at this little fuckers face. If this thing approached me on my deathbed, as I clung to life (for some reason I can't fathom because life fucking sucks), and told me it was time to go, I'd happily go with him! He could let me climb on his back and then we'd fuckin' kickflip into infinity. But in all seriousness, he has a face that's just charming as heck, and extremely well designed. The slight little fleshy bits carved into the skull, mostly around his jaw and that horn, are a perfect example of less is more. Had they overdone that, had they made him more flesh than bone, then it wouldn't look nearly as cool. Simplicity has its places, people.
And then, to put him in a cool black hood, so you know that he's a real cool dude, that was just a brilliant decision as well. His eyes don't look menacing, his teeth are sharp looking, sure, but not in a 'I'm gonna gnaw the flesh from your bones' sort of way but more a 'I'll use my teeth to rip open this bag of chips for us, brah' kind of way. And I love his little overbite in the front, under his nose. Gives him almost a more animalistic sense of self. Plus the red of that tongue, the little curve the tongue makes, is just subtle enough to give the bonewhite face some flair. This is a mask crafted by someone with a very specific idea in mind, and done expertly, might I add.

So rarely do things in the mainstream, be they masks, movies, whatever, utilize the "otherworldly animal" style of skull. There's just something eerie about a cow skull, man. Something almost primal, that makes me feel even more unsafe than just a boring ol' skeleton coming at me. That's why Randy succeeds, because they tapped into that and ran with it. Now, I've seen a few other masks try this very same thing, but none of them ever really got the same reaction Randy got out of me, and I think the reason is because they try and make them look scary. Randy doesn't look scary. He looks like he's gonna get some friends together in his beat up jalopy and drive you to the Warped Tour. He's got an undeniable charm, a joyous almost ecstatic grin on his face, and it just makes him so much more darn likeable. I'll take goofy happy skeletons any day over plain boring skeletons, or, even worse, super scary skeletons. They're already bone, you don't need to make them any scarier. A skeleton is inherently creepy because its basic existence reminds us of our own upcoming mortality. That inescapable dread of the one thing we cannot avoid...death. So yeah, gimme happy, demon like skeletons any day of the week.
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