This is giving me some serious Sid & Marty Krofft vibes.
Not even joking, this looks like a creature off Land of the Lost or something. And, once again, this is not a dig. I love the Krofft Brothers work, so that's as high a praise as one can give, honestly. But, he also looks sad about his life. His eyelid at the bottom appears to be lifting up, giving him a rather remorseful look, like he's sorry that he has to kill and eat people to survive. He really only wishes to get along, be friends, he doesn't really wanna hurt anyone, but he's also really hungry and who can fault a guy on an empty stomach, am I right?
The hair on this mask is wonderful. It's so full and shiny and fluffy, it almost looks real, honestly. Seems to be a running theme around here lately, honestly. Been tracking down a lot of good masks with good hair qualities. This guy looks like he goes to a professional stylist for, fucks sake. Along with the wonderful tone of green, not too dark, not too light, just the right shade of lime almost, and the beautiful blue for his eye, and the perfect little teeth in his mouth, this guy is a top notch design in mediocrity.
Now I know that sounds terrible, but let me explain.
There's nothing wrong with mediocrity. Not every single mask can be amazing, and even some really good masks have just a bit too much wrong with them to be considered "great", so to hit that mediocrity line...that's almost a perfect spot to be, because there's just enough right with you that there's nothing wrong with you, leaving you in a limbo of perpetual "okayness". It's good to be a solid contender in the "eh, it's good enough" state. Take it from me, Lizard Wolf, I know this from personal experience. That being said, I still think he's fantastic, and that the colors and the hair all work together to meld with one another and thus create a solid mask of just good enough quality to be used regularly for Halloween. Or just going to the grocery store. You gotta wear one everywhere now these days anyway, right?

Now he's cross eyed and he has the crazed look of a murderous monster who only cares about where his next meal is coming from. He's got this long, almost werewolf like snoot and the hair splays out all Tasmanian Devil looking. Now Lizard Wolf looks more like the sort of thing you'd try to actively avoid, instead of trying to befriend, and for good reason.
Just look at this crazed monstrosity, for god sakes. This isn't the face of a friend. This is the face that ate the face of a friend.
In all honesty, looks can be deceiving, and I think Lizard Wolf here proves that more than anyone else. From one side, he looks like a harmless, lost and confused little guy; part lizard, part wolf, both halves devoid of any companionship or purpose. From the other side, however, he looks like the creature that lives in the sewer and would drag you down there to chomp on your insides the first chance he got, all the while not giving two shits about how much it hurts or the pain he's creating for your loved ones. You're dinner. Nothing more, nothing less.
He's still a solid mask of mediocrity.
But he's also a two faced son of a bitch.
And I gotta respect that, cause he might eat me if I don't.
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