If I had to pick something that looked like it ate nightmares and shat fear, I think I'd pick this damn thing. I mean, just look at this guy. The level of detail only lends credence to his terrifying demeanor. This looks like the sort of thing that would show up at the foot of your bed to suck your soul out of your nose in the dead of night. Some sort of hybrid between a bug eyed insect and some sort of alien, The Nightmare Eater is an absolutely masterful piece of work in mask creation. Let's talk about his primary features first, shall we? Those eyes are obviously what you're instantly drawn to, and it's understandable why. Like gazing into Disco Balls of doom, they're hypnotic and otherworldly. Bubbled and smooth, they look as if just catching even a remote glance of them would kill you on the spot. What really sets his eyes aflame, however, are the perfectly manufactured creases in what I can only call his brow area. The lines that were sculpted around the eye a...