Man, isn't it just, like, so totally bogus how parents just don't understand? They don't get our fashion, they don't get our music, and they sure as heck don't get the pressure put on us to fit in! It's like, no, it's not a phase, it's who I am! You do one little thing, like grow an ugly beard and put the skull of a smurf in it and they fly off the handle. They just don't understand. And god forbid you try and execute people in your personal space, it's like MOM GET OUT OF MY ROOM. Seriously though, this is the definition of edgelord in the mask world, as far as I'm concerned. But even edgelords have their worth, we can't deny that, and even in the case of this edgy as hell mask, there's a lot to admire here, like, for example, how goddamned ridiculous the whole thing is. Even with a concept as visually over the top as this one is, I can't deny that it's certainly got attitude and style and originality. This is like if a fanta...