I'm an artist. I've been an artist ever since I was a little girl. I used to draw my own comic books and staple them together, I used to make videos with the few friends I had, actual ongoing plot based videos, and a whole lot more. I'm not averse to art, I absolutely love art and I think it's crucial in our world, especially in todays world which is filled with nothing but ugliness, we need that beauty and that simplicity. But then...every once in a while...there's a piece that's created that's utterly terrifying and baffling. Take, for example, this mask which I've named The Lovely Terror. This appears to be a homemade craft made on, what looks like, an old paper plate. Those rough kind your grandparents would generally have around the house. I could be totally wrong, especially seeing as I only have this singular image of said mask to go off of, but that's just my guess. The fact that there's an entire smile but only a small slit in the m...